reasons im paul
- im paul
- this site seays im paul
- i uploaded petscop. paul also uploaded npetscop. coinidence? ithink not
- me and paul also exist. no one else exists in this simulation but us two. but what if we were a single entity al along?
- petcosop is the embodiment of all oru collective curiousityes,,,, it is a manifestation of wildest trdream and emagioantion. only paul gould eplain the meaning behind it
and who is writing this tetx? ME im paul
- subcribe to my youtube channel at OH WAIT what is that channel im shiling? its petscop thats right only paul would shil his canel and sai it his
- while there is a 1 in 7,741,950,908 chance that i am paul, there is still a definitive chance that that is true. howeer, factoriing in that 4only \4.33 billion people un the world have intetrnet acess that means its only a 1 IN 4 BILLION chanceE!!! that means i must be paul because there is both chanc, and that because of all the reason i listed above
i hope you can see now that i am paul i hope you have a nice time watiching my youtube channel the petscop.
see you there!!!!!